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她的創作源於日常、旅行與閱讀的記錄,透過版印技法層疊瞬息景象與情感,營造詩意且理想化的風景。她探索光影、色彩與媒材之間的運用,轉化版畫於當代藝術中的表達。2012年入選文化部「MIT-新人推薦特區」,曾獲得「大墩美展」及「新北市美展」版畫類首獎、國立臺灣美術館「版印年畫」首獎及優選,並入圍2018高雄獎和多屆中華民國國際版畫雙年展,2018年獲選前往美國克里夫蘭Zygote Press駐村,2025年將前往挪威Khmessen和泰國Silpakorn University駐村。曾於台灣、韓國、中國、法國、德國及美國展出。

Yalan Yu is currently a doctoral student in the Fine Arts Department at Taipei National University of the Arts and a resident artist at Banqiao 435 Art Zone. Yalan Yu's creations are inspired by records of daily life, travels, and reading experiences. Through printmaking techniques, she layers fleeting scenes and emotions to craft poetic and idealized landscapes. Her work explores the interplay of light, color, and materials, transforming printmaking into a contemporary form of artistic expression.

In 2012, she was selected for the Ministry of Culture's "Made in Taiwan – Young Artist Discovery" program. She has won numerous awards, including the Grand Prize in Printmaking at the Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition and The Art Exhibition of New Taipei City, as well as the First Prize and Honorable Mention at the New Year Prints Exhibition of R.O.C. hosted by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.She was among the selected artists for the 2018 Kaohsiung Awards and multiple editions of the R.O.C. International Biennial Print Exhibition.

In 2018, Yu was selected for an artist residency at Zygote Press in Cleveland, USA. In 2025, she will participate in residencies at Khmessen in Norway and Silpakorn University in Thailand. Her work has been exhibited in Taiwan, South Korea, China, France, Germany, and the United States.

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